Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Applications Due for Board of Directors Elections

MOSP Homeowners are reminded that applications to run for the HOA Board of Directors need to be to the Nominations Committee by Janauary 11, 2015.  In the last mailing from Jennings Management in earlyDecember were two Nominations forms, an application and a page describing the qualifications of potential candidates for Director.  A candidate should read the Board of Directors Criteria form to see if he or she qualifies to hold the position and then fill out and submit a Nomination Form to any member of the Nominations Committee (listed below.)

The Nominating Committee will distribute to all homeowners a list of qualified candidates on or about February 1st of 2015 in anticipation of elections at our Annual HOA Meeting on or about the third week of February, 2015.  You may give your application to any member of the Nominating Committee.
Current members are:

Carol Koch                            
122 Blarney Stone Ct.            843 748-0447


Dave Griffin                   
294 Four Leaf Lane                843 357-9579