Wednesday, April 25, 2012


That's what this blog is designed to do, help us to be neighbors by sharing news, things to do in our great location by the sea, and from time to time help out or share the bright and dark things that come along in life.
I've put together this as a sample blog and included this post and another I made up more as an example, although I do like Daryl's show on the Internet.  Over to the right on the Sidebar are items I typically do on my other blogs.

I'm willing to share my time and post items if you will send me stuff to put up in an email  that's fully written out.  I don't mind doing a little editing, but I spend most of my time writing these days and my time is limited.

Those of you who know what you're doing on the Internet will recognize that I'm no expert, and if you want to help out or even take over you're welcome to do so.   ANYONE can comment, without registering, by simply clicking on the word "comment" at the bottom of each post.  This is how discussions take place.  

Regarding discussions,  Facebook seems to be the place for high spirited conversations about our  HOA and I prefer it remain so.  (Actually, I think face-to-face is better for that topic.).  The Meadows of St. Patrick Blog will be best used as a news sharing device where you can read about activites in the M.B. area and general items of local interest.  And there are so many things to celebrate, from news of your child's first music concert to a retiree's art or terrific photograph.

If not many folks become interested in this blog, that's OK with me.  There must be a million blogs that never went anywhere.  I just thought I'd offer.

Dave Griffin
294 Four Leaf Lane

BTW: If you're interested, my web page is here:


  1. Hey Dave,
    Nice blog! I totally agree with you about celebrating, posting upcoming events, etc. to share with the community. I want you to understand that was my intention all along with the facebook page. I love blogger and use it for my personal blog,: however, I am still learning!

    How can others post pictures, links, and such?

    Ashley Cameron

  2. Hi Ashley, sorry I missed your comment last night. I don't think there's a lot of interest in this blog, judging by the lack of comments either here or on facebook, but time will tell, I suppose. At the moment I plan to do the posting and then open it up later when we get going with a few people. So why not just send me stuff and I'll put it up. Then either of us can put a note on facebook that an announcement or whatever is here .... get people looking here.

    By the way, do you write? I'm always looking for writers (I encourage EVERYONE to write) for my MoreStoriesPlace blog.

    I'm moving that effort from webpages that were here:

    to a blog format because of the visual possibilities.
